
Multimodal Text Sets

A multimodal STEM text set is a coherent sequence of texts and materials pertaining to a specific STEM topic or line of inquiry that supports diverse learners in building the vocabulary and background knowledge required for reading comprehension, grounded in evidence. The topic or line of inquiry of the text set is determined by an anchor text – a rich, complex grade-level text that has accompanying scaffolded instructional supports and linked science inquiry. The subsidiary scaffolding texts, multimodal materials and inquiry depend on resource availability and the needs of the students.

Multimodal Text Sets Include:

  • A text set is a collection of related texts from different genres, media and levels of reading difficulty, organized around a topic or line of inquiry.
  • The line of inquiry of a given set is determined by an anchor text – a rich, complex grade-level text.
  • The number of texts in a set can vary depending on purpose and resource availability around a given topic. What is important is that the texts in the set are connected meaningfully to each other to deepen student understanding of the anchor text.
  • They are strategically sequenced to build vocabulary and knowledge, with the aim of supporting diverse learners in reading high quality, complex grade level texts.

Multimodal Text Sets by STEM Topic

Flight of the Bumblebee: Using Acoustics to Eavesdrop on Bees and Pollination discusses the use of acoustics to learn about bee activity and pollination (Miller-Struttmann et al., 2017).

Heat Waves in Missouri: Is it getting hotter, or is it just me? discusses summer heat stress in the St. Louis region during future climates (Steinweg and Gutowski, 2015).

Vaping: Not for the Young Heart discusses the cardiovascular risk associated with vaping (Moheimani RS, Bhetraratana M, Yin F, et al., 2017 & Middlekauff, H. R., 2019).

Dr. Bath’s Visionary Patent describes a new device and method to remove cloudy lenses (cataracts) in eyes of people with diabetes and the elderly (United States Patent No. 4,744,360).