A major goal of this project is to provide opportunities for teachers to learn about and implement multimodal STEM text sets with their learners. We do this via professional development – all completely online!
When does the professional development occur and for how long?
The professional development is a two-year long program. During the first year of the program, participation is primarily that of a “learner.” As a learner, they learn about multimodal STEM text sets – what they are, how to develop, how to implement. During the second year of the program, participation is primarily that of a “mentor.” This is a great opportunity to revisit and strengthen what was learned the previous year but also develop as a “trainer.”
Here is a brief overview of the annual program:

For whom is the professional development?
This professional development is for middle school teachers of Science – (life sciences), Mathematics, English Language Arts and Special Education.
Is implementation of a multimodal STEM text set part of the experience?
Yes! All teachers from all disciplines (science, ELA, mathematics) that participate in the professional development will implement a multimodal STEM text set with their students or, if teaching multiple sections of a course, one class. Implementation plans are tailored to meet the needs of the teacher’s classroom and to meet the expectations of their district (e.g., scope and sequence plans).